Monday 23 March 2015

A little about me

I'm a cynic. And a sadist. Now these qualities alone don't make me that extreme. However, the fact that I'm an anarchist makes me almost the world's least favorite type of person. Other than a genocidal lunatic with several nukes.
I'm not a normal anarchist. I am against anyone who is a figure of power and an idiot. Basically, most governments and dictatorships, if not all of them. Their problem is that they lack knowledge of the outside world nowadays. They go straight from university into government without experiencing genuine problems. Now I'm not saying I am an expert in that sort of thing, but they should be. But they're not.
I went from not caring, to being a socialist, and now to an anarchist. I'm not saying that it's a perfect solution. To be honest, I think that it is a dumb thing that we exist at all, but there you go. We do, and people are stupid. I like watching idiots make a fool of themselves because it seems rather like poetic justice to me, that someone stupid did something stupid to themselves. It would be like if someone left everything they owned in an unlocked car overnight and someone came and stole half of it. Yeah sure, someone did something terrible to them, but that doesn't mean I won't laugh hysterically at them for being such a moron.
So yeah, basically what I am going to do here is post my rants and thoughts on people and things they have done. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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