Monday 23 March 2015

Britain's Monarchy is Irrevalent

In the modern world, there are many people and corporations that control our lives. The monarchy is one of them. They have a massive – and completely useless - influence upon how we view our little stinking peasant-hole of a country. They are like an ornament that never fits anywhere after moving house. Does it look nice? Maybe in the right circumstances. These circumstances aren't present at the moment.  Is it useful? No. Does it have a purpose anywhere? As such, no. It gets in the way and doesn't do anything useful. This public symbol of England is a relic of another age and is just weighing the already collapsed country down, rather like raging bureaucrats and financial debt.

No matter whether or not they pay taxes, they own a lot of property, too much for one family to use effectively. They have 24 private residences, most of them in groups of ownership (i.e. four owned by one person). Some of these properties aren't even theirs; they just inherited the damn things when they took over the country. This property could be used for the benefit of the people. People living in the urban sprawl often complain that they don’t have the wide open spaces that are good for their health, and that their children are missing out on the fresh, clean air that they - as innocent children - apparently deserve. (It’s a stupid theory if you ask me, but that’s an argument for another time.) The monarchy owns acres of land with marginally cleaner air and wide green spaces that could be given to the public. Now this isn't to say that they don’t deserve their own property, heaven knows, they've done enough useless crap to have earned it, but there is a limit. They have gone past this limit – way past it. They've scrubbed out the limit mark and then done whatever the hell they want. Some people get annoyed if someone owns more than one property as a holiday home. This is a little more extreme and therefore, a little more emotion that plain old indifference is required.

The royal family has crossed the line with what they should control. They take decisions that are not theirs to make. They meet with leaders and sign papers, jobs that are already done by the British government – a useless enough process as it is, when they aren't even chosen to do this. They don’t know the people as well as our fairly elected representative. If someone that has been so out of touch is making decisions, how can we be sure that they are the right ones? They are making decisions on subjects that they don’t know enough about; they are running a country that they don’t know well enough to be considered a normal member of society. They aren't affected by the decisions that they make, so they aren't aware of the more obscure and dangerous consequences of their actions like the public is.  This is not the way that a country is run, it is the way that a street gang is run, one cowardly idiot, managing to stay unharmed and using the other gang members as pawns, getting them killed.

The monarchy is a normal family. There’s nothing special about them, nothing special in their blood that makes them more fit to run the country than the normal family from London, or any other part of England, for that matter. If there was something about them, then everything taught to the younger generations, saying that ‘they can be who they want to be’ and ‘there’s nothing stopping them from being the best’, is all a lie. This sort of betrayal and double standards shows how quickly everything can spiral out of control, into chaos. They have strived to show themselves as more normal than they used to be perceived. The royal family can’t be a special case just because of their upbringing and how their parents acted. If that was true, then we should still be burning witches and shooting deserters because that is what used to happen. Is this an ideal society? No, it is an outdated one with its head too far up its own ass to see the truth.

The monarchy is a relic from another era, just here because of tradition, more than necessity. Other countries achieve more than Britain, and they don’t have another leader slowing them down. America has one absolute leader, and then congress (their version of parliament), and they have achieved more than Britain has so far. They have put multiple people in space and on the moon without help from any other countries. Britain has produced almost nothing productive in the last decade or so. And no, stealing other people’s technology for a different purpose doesn't count. There was a time when Britain was an industrial giant, producing amazing feats of engineering. Now we produce nothing, simply because no-one does enough work, because the country can’t seem to realise how dysfunctional its leaders are. This is because the figures of power in today’s society are just getting in the way. Without the monarchy or government as we know it at the moment, the country might just get its act together and be useful for once in its miserable modern life.

The monarchy is outdated, gluttonous and out of touch with the modern world. There is simply no need for them anymore. In another time, there was a need for them. This decade, however is not that era.  One day, this country will need to take its head out of its ass and see how badly it requires a hot shower and an energy drink after its seemingly perpetual hangover. It is the twenty-first century, and what this country needs is change, otherwise we will spiral out of control and plunge into another dark ages. However, with the amount of idiots around, that might be helpful.

A little about me

I'm a cynic. And a sadist. Now these qualities alone don't make me that extreme. However, the fact that I'm an anarchist makes me almost the world's least favorite type of person. Other than a genocidal lunatic with several nukes.
I'm not a normal anarchist. I am against anyone who is a figure of power and an idiot. Basically, most governments and dictatorships, if not all of them. Their problem is that they lack knowledge of the outside world nowadays. They go straight from university into government without experiencing genuine problems. Now I'm not saying I am an expert in that sort of thing, but they should be. But they're not.
I went from not caring, to being a socialist, and now to an anarchist. I'm not saying that it's a perfect solution. To be honest, I think that it is a dumb thing that we exist at all, but there you go. We do, and people are stupid. I like watching idiots make a fool of themselves because it seems rather like poetic justice to me, that someone stupid did something stupid to themselves. It would be like if someone left everything they owned in an unlocked car overnight and someone came and stole half of it. Yeah sure, someone did something terrible to them, but that doesn't mean I won't laugh hysterically at them for being such a moron.
So yeah, basically what I am going to do here is post my rants and thoughts on people and things they have done. Thanks for taking the time to read this.